Many of us are still aware that the Citizens United SCOTUS decision of January 31, 2010 changed the status of politics as usual in the USA by defining money more or less as equivalent to free speech in elections. Ever since we are drowning in "on the air" TV ads leading up to elections, which are mostly pricey opinions about the issues or candidates on the upcoming ballots. Turn off the TV, folks! Go cold turkey during election seasons from now on, because a new SCOTUS decision has raised the limits again, believe it or not!
Our friends at MOTHER JONES have helped us out with a description of the latest changes.
Be sure to vote in the April elections ON TUESDAY April 8, and come out in force, because we are still citizens of the USA who will not ever give up on the reality of the ideals of our original Constitution. We may need an amendment to fix this, but that is what we WILL achieve!