Thursday, January 23, 2014

Letter to State Rep & Senator re: Expanding Medicaid

Dear Senator Justus and Representative Houghton:

As you know Missouri did not expand Medicaid as most states did, although such action may still be under consideration. Please side with the expansion in current and coming up talks. Your constituents in Audrain County certainly have needy folk among them.

As a retired/disabled nurse who has been on a limited income myself I do not qualify for Medicaid because my dear mother left me a small inheritance. But I know others around this rural town, Mexico, Missouri, who do qualify; and I would not want them left out. During my career I worked in more than one Missouri county, including rural areas, sometimes as a home health care nurse. People are naturally shy of looking for healthcare, unfortunately; and limited income is a huge factor in their choices. Some folks are challenged by transportation or lack knowledge about the usual expectations related to testing as one ages. In fact they are extremely independent minded out on those country roads! They think they can handle anything, to the grievous neglect of their own needs at times. Nurses want to educate them to know that some tests are routine and will help them on their way forward with aging rather than setting them back. And they have their opinions, and I have mine, in this "Show Me State!"

Please give your constituents a second chance at accessing the Affordable Care Act choices. I would love you to let me know more about your personal opinions on how you will work for the health of Missourians! I am posting this letter to my blog too, at

Patricia Berg

Where the States Stand
Via: The Advisory Board Company

1 comment:

  1. Other States are having the same problem with their "conservative" legislators, who seem to want to avoid "Obamacare," even though Medicaid expansion helps their constituents.


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